In the blink of an eye, a few months have passed since I last wrote and it’s safe to say that I’m out of the routine of writing once again. So I’d make my return by sharing some snaps and recommendations from a recent long weekend in the Cotswolds. From the little I’d seen of the Cotswolds (namely Chipping Campden and Castle Combe) I was keen to discover more. As a girl who hails from a small village, the sleepy vibes are right up my street, not to mention the opportunity to endlessly ogle the outrageously stunning honey-coloured houses that the Cotswolds is so famous for.


Perhaps one of my new favourite destinations in the Cotswolds, Painswick felt much sleepier than all of the other destinations that we visited on this trip. The first thing that catches your eye as you arrive is the impossibly beautiful Painswick churchyard, complete with a collection of 18th-century yew trees. A quick trip to the Church of St Mary the Virgin (ensconced within) seemed like a befitting way to kick off the long weekend. There wasn’t much selection (from what we saw) in the restaurant department, so it’s worth moving on elsewhere for a bite to eat.


Cirencester has been on my travel list ever since I started watching This Country. The prospect of happening across the hilarious legend that is Martin Mucklowe was in itself reason enough to visit – sadly he was nowhere to be found. It was just a quickie as we only spent an afternoon there but the main highlights for me were the Parish Church of St John Baptist, located right in the heart of Cirencester, along with a nice turn in Cirencester Park. I especially loved the 16 ft Nic Fiddian-Green sculpture of a horse’s head currently in residence in the park. 

Daylesford Organic – Kingham

If you follow me on Instagram, you’ll know that I am partial to a good farm shop. Daylesford Organic in Kingham is the sort of place you could spend all day. There’s a beautifully curated selection of homeware, a garden centre, well stocked fresh section of produce – you get the gist. It’s well worth swinging by.


Though Cheltenham isn’t in the Cotswolds, it’s close enough. I’d never actually been before. It was just a few hours exploring the city on foot and grabbing some food. It was nice to get a glimpse of it and I’d be keen to return to see more.

Lower Slaughter

Lower Slaughter was a cute village that didn’t take to long too explore by foot. The notable highlights include a stream that runs through the village that you can cross via small stone bridges, along with the beautiful Old Mill (Lower Slaughter’s iconic photo op).


Perhaps one of the best-known Cotswolds villages, Stow-on-the-Wold has plenty to see and do. There’s a good selection of restaurants and cafes, making it an ideal destination to grab something to eat. Some of the village’s highlights include explore the shops in Market Square and explore St Edward Medieval Church (and of course get an obligatory photo outside its door – pictured below).

Bourton on the Water

Looking back now reminds me of just how many destinations you can pack into a long weekend. Thankfully many of the Cotswolds villages are close to one another so it’s easy to hop between them. We swung by Bourton on the Water for dinner but it was so overwhelmingly busy that we left soon after. This could well be down to the fact it was a bank holiday weekend during our visit so perhaps that would explain the crowds akin to that of a big city. I’d love to return to Bourton on the Water on a quieter day and have a proper look around.


The situation in Bidbury was similar to Bourton on the Water. Though we arrived relatively early in the morning with the hope of finding somewhere for breakfast before heading off, there was heavy footfall with coach loads of people arriving constantly. With hindsight, as someone who is not a fan of crowds I probably should have thought through going to one of the most popular tourist destinations in the country during a bank holiday weekend. Regardless, we still had the loveliest time and my love for the Cotswolds has only grown stronger. Plus, we did happen across a cute and quiet breakfast spot (Bidbury Trout Farm) overlooking the open-air trout enclosure. So all worked out in the end.

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