100 quotes, sayings and affirmations

100 quotes, sayings and affirmations

With it being a fresh New Year, a sprinkling of light and wisdom never goes amiss, especially as many of us will be hoping to make positive changes in our lives around this time of year. If you follow me on Instagram, you’ll know I’m partial to a good quote or saying...
Life lately #9

Life lately #9

It’s not long at all before we turn the page on the chapter that was 2022. Looking back on the year, it could not be more different from the year I had previously. Largely because I moved from the bedazzling Dubai back to the British countryside.  I’m someone who...
Life lately #8

Life lately #8

It’s hard to believe that there are just five weeks left of 2022 – this year felt like it has flown by. Moreover, that Christmas is right around the corner. This year, I am grateful to get to spend the festive season with my parents, having not been able...
Life Lately #7

Life Lately #7

This ‘life lately’ instalment is long overdue. For whatever reason, the compulsion to write had just passed me by until now.  It has been an interesting few months. I feel like summer came and went in the blink of an eye, as is often the case here in...
Life lately #6

Life lately #6

What a wonderful month July was. Some of its sun-drenched moments were the stuff of dreams, exactly what we romanticise British summertime to be about. The month’s main highlight being a long-overdue trip to Cornwall, specifically my home village. I feel like...